The Canadian Psychological Association and EEG Biofeedback

The Canadian Psychological Association and EEG Biofeedback
Altholl Malcolm, PhD, RPsych, BCN, BCB, QEEG Diplomate
John Davis, PhD, CPsych, BCN, ABPP/CBP

Last year's Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) Convention was unique in that there were presentations on EEG biofeedback (Neurofeedback) research conducted at Western University in Ontario.  The presenters were psychologist Dr. Paul Frewwen and graduate student Teddy Chow.  They are part of a team that includes psychiatrist Dr. Ruth Lanius.  Also, Dr. Lanius's brother, Ulrich Lanius, a psychologist in Vancouver, presented on the LENS system.  These presentations prompted further contact with the Canadian Psychological Association with a view to forming a new section within the CPA.  We received enthusiastic support, and very quickly had the 25 CPA members required to create the section.  I was greatly assisted by Dr. John Davis of Grimsby Ontario, a previous International Board Member of the International Society for Neurofeedback and Research (ISNR).  With his help, it took less than a month to get the Section up and running.  Thus, the CPA now has this new Section entitled "Quantitative Electrophysiology.